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The Eggologic Story

Several years ago, the Eggologic team – like so many of us – began feeling an unshakable sense of fear and concern about the realities of climate change. Nothing in the news regarding our collective future sounded positive or promising. But as a group of passionate product designers and scientists, we have always faced challenges directly.  And we firmly believe that tackling even one small aspect of a problem can provide meaningful and measurable outcomes.

So, as the saying goes, we hatched a plan. 

Deciding where to begin was easy. Our team has always been avid gardeners and outdoor lovers, and with some experts messaging how important it is for gardeners and landowners to fight climate change directly by welcoming more native species and bio-diversity into our personal green spaces, we knew where to focus our energy.

So in the fall of 2019, we approached the problem with a simple question – could a modular vertical garden system be created to directly support not just plants, but animals and insects as well?  A system that could grow and change like nature itself, and provide the structure and habitat necessary to inspire biodiversity wherever it was placed?

In the years since, the answer to that seemingly simple question has been shaped and tested by endless hours of discussions with scientists, architects, engineers and manufacturers. It’s been evolved through thousands of drawings, dozens of prototypes, months of field testing on three continents, and painstaking refinement.  And now, after an amazing journey of growing, refining, nesting, and testing, we are incredibly excited to offer the Eggologic™ vertical garden system.  

Eggologic is a modular system of vertical pods designed to directly support plants, cavity nesting birds, and solitary bees that are critical to a healthy ecology.  Every pod is made from 100% recycled, eco-friendly HDPE – a resin specifically chosen not just for its strength and durability, but its minimal environmental impact. And because each functional pod is built on a modular framework, expanding and changing your Eggologic garden is quite literally a snap.

Our team believes that what we've created isn’t just a vertical garden solution, but a vertical eco-solution. A solution that is adaptable, scalable, and not just functional, but beautiful.  We would like to sincerely thank everyone involved in the process of making Eggologic what it is today – including you, the gardeners and nature lovers that have chosen our product.

And as we continue to develop new pods for the plants, birds and insects that need our help, we look forward to sharing what we evolve into in the years to come.