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Wall Pattern Guide

Ready to get growing? Here are a few things to consider when planning and designing your vertical wall garden. 

Linear or organic?

One of the first things to decide is whether you want a highly organized, linear vertical garden design or something more relaxed and organic. To determine this, we recommend you consider the following:

Factors that favor a linear design:

  • The mounting wall/area is a large, unobstructed area that I am happy to cover
  • I want to maximize my growing potential and have as much plant coverage as possible

Factors that favor an organic design:

  • The mounting wall/area is smaller, and/or it has features (such as windows or other hanging items) that will make a linear pattern difficult
  • I'm less interested in growing potential and more interested in creating a green accent or area of interest

Ultimately the choice is yours - and of course you can employ both linear and organic patterns in your design as well.


Inline or offset?

When it comes to linear wall patterns, the two basic options are inline and offset

 Factors that favor an inline design:

  • You want to maximize the opportunity for water draining from a higher pod to enter a lower pod 

Factors that favor an offset design:

  • You want to maximize pod density (and growing density) on the wall surface


Planter + Trellis Design

When grow vining or spreading plants, incorporating Trellis pods into the design is a must. Whether you use an inline or offset design, the Trellis pod can be easily incorporated into the pattern.Â