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Plant Guide

Small gardens, whether in the country or city, can still offer big benefits with a bit of planning. Whether you‘re craving a calming space, a wildlife attraction, a creative wall of color, an edible feast, or all of the above, our planter pods are up for the job!  

The First Step to great success starts with great placement!

Matching plants with their intended location is just as important as selecting a good soil media when planning your vertical green space. So, after placing your Eggologic vertical garden pods, take a good look at the wall or area you’re selected and assess how much sun it receives. Is it getting sun for just a portion of the day (morning or afternoon) or nearly all day? Is that sunlight direct or filtered? How warm is the wall and surrounding area during the day? 

Answering these questions is a critical first step, because some plants enjoy long periods of direct sun (and the resulting heat), some plants prefer a mix of sun and shade, and some plants are happiest receiving only indirect or filtered light. 

Most plants fall into 1-2 of these commonly used sun categories:

Full Sun - these plants require at least 6 hours of direct sun daily
Partial Sun – these plants require 6 hours of direct and filtered sun daily
Partial Shade – these plants require 3-6 hours of filtered/indirect sun per day, and need protection from intense mid-day sun and heat
Full Shade – these plants require 3 hours of filtered/indirect sun per day, and need protection from intense mid-day sun and heat

To get you started, we've created a sun requirement list that includes all of our favorite vertical garden plants listed below (plus a few more). 

The Second Step to great success starts with picking plants you love!

Let's face it - all of us gardeners are selfish. We don't just plant things because we love to see them grow. We also have a goal in mind. And whether that goal is producing beautiful flowers, or wonderful aromas, or some delicious herbs and veggies - or all of the above - the vertical garden can meet many of your needs.

So now comes the really fun part - picking the plants you'll grow. To help get you started, we've listed some plant options to consider. Keep in mind, this isn’t a complete list of plants that can flourish in our pods, nor will everything listed here necessarily work in your specific garden. As with all plants, so much depends on growing zone, pod placement, soil choice, and of course loving attention. But with a little work and love you'll be amazed at what you can grow in a small space!


Arugula Dwarf Bean Nasturtium
Beetroot Garlic Radish
Chard Green Onion Strawberries
Chillies Kale Turnips


 Basil French Tarragon Oregano
Chamomile Garlic Parsley (shade)
Chervil Lavender Purple Sage
Chives (shade) Lemon Balm (shade) Rosemary
Coriander (shade) Marigold Savory
Fennel Marjoram Sorrel (shade)
Feverfew Mint (shade) Thyme



Anemones Dianthus Osteospermum
Angelonia Forget-Me-Nots  Pansie
Bacopa Fuchsia Petunias
Brachycome Geraniums Portulaca
Calendula Grape Hyacinth Ranunculus
Calibrachoa Impatiens Scaevola
Campanula Marigold Scented Pelargoniums
Catmint Mums Sweet Alyssum
Convolvulus Nasturtium Violas
Cosmos Nemesia Zinnias


Catmint Lemon Thyme Sedum
Chives Marjoram Thyme
Common Thyme Oregano Zinnias


Dianthus  Heliotrope Petunia
Ginger Mint Pelargonium Verbena


Aloe  Echeveria Kalanchoe
Crassula Houseleek Portulaca


Athyrium Dryopteris Lysimachia
Busy Lizzie Heuchera Mimulus
Chives Lemon Balm Polystichum
Coriander  Lobelia Sorrel


Of course, you don't have to choose plants from only one category, and growing a variety of plants in the same area can result in a sum that's greater than its parts when it comes to delicious edibles, happy bees, or amazing scents. Never be afraid to experiment and learn from direct experience, because becoming a good gardener only comes after getting your hands dirty for several seasons!